

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Great Expctations

Life, it appears, is a bitch. No, I'm not being gender biased. It may well be a dog. Dont you hate it when you're taken for granted? When people just assume that just because it's you, they can do what they want and they actually expect you to forgive them. It makes my blood boil every time, but think of it from this way. Can you really blame them? No you cannot.

Pavlov with his dog showed how conditioned learning works. In the same way, people treat us the way they are conditioned to treat us. But here's the catch. Who's doing the conditioning? Its us. We determine how we are treated in the way we behave with and to people. In other words, people will treat you the way you let them treat you.

You cannot behave one way with somebody, and have them treat you in the way they naturally will in response to your behaviour, and then a long time later demand that they change. If you want change, I suggest you change the way you behave first. If you dont, there's going to be no improvement whatsoever and you'll end up more miserable than anyone else.

If you're feeling bad in a relationship - any relatioship. I do not restrict myself to couples - please open your mouths and say something. If that doesn't work, then do unto him like he was doing unto you. Use guile. There's nothign wrong with that. In such situations, if you've got no guile, and no game, you've got no relationship


rads said...

okay! hmmm.. am almost scared to write anything coz you'd shout back. :|

Naveen George Thomas said...

haha. No i wont shout. that was hurt and disillusionment talking. I dont believe in guile and game in the way i've written it. White Lies, maybe.......not guile....so say what u want to

Anonymous said...

that last para, really really got me... it was fundaastik.. who you talkin bout btw?

Naveen George Thomas said...

A friend. Who let me down again. But its ok, since he's let me down for the last time.....

Anonymous said...

I have heard myself repeating all(but the last para) that you have written several zillion times

Saying doesnt work till the realisation hits you hard


Naveen George Thomas said...

Oh its hit hard......Its hit very hard indeed

Anonymous said...

Very true,Others behaviour is response to our behaviour but "at times" u cant be guile as u said- its really difficult to change our behaviour immediately and why the hell should we?

I rather remain silent and silence hurts the most at times!!