

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

From Raindrops to a Rainbow

Sitting at my window, I watch the rain fall
Admiring the beauty, my senses enthralled
Raindrops touch my skin, I try to wipe them in vain
Raindrops taste just like tears without the pain

The rain so gentle, calm, docile
It can never harm - never be vile
Spreading across a lush green field
It falls from its dark water vapourous shield

All of a sudden, the skies further darken
I sit bewildered, my cheeks now starkened
Lightening flashes and thunder shouts loud
Frey unleashing his fury all around

Maybe the rain has a message after all
There is the rise, and then there is the fall
Life and the rain are similar in construction
With every birth hand in hand with destruction

I stoped to muse about the point of it all
Why does one live, and go through it all
The answer came to me, in one bended blow
I looked and lo behold! - I saw A Rainbow

The answers to life and its mystery
Lie not at the end, but in the journey
So finally, my friends, my love, my all
Like the rain we must live, and like it, we must fall


Anonymous said...

lowely...giving thathuvams eh? its actually nice................to a non-poetic person like me, it sounds like as though u've been epressed and suddenly u realised tht u must get used to it or sumthng......forgive me if am wrong!

Naveen George Thomas said...

no forgiveness required da......life has its share of ups and downs, and we come out of them with nothing gained except the learning....and i'm glad i learned

Anonymous said...

yo!!! nice poem... very unlike u but i liiiiike it i say... but its tough to keep ur fascination with the dark away... note the rain cloud desc... but its happy from a distance... not like i feel the rain but i see it and i'm telling its story...
anyways i lauve u...

tanjanali said...

i like it... and ya its absolutely true... what goes up must come down and vise versa.. so rather than get beaten up by the downs, we can live for the highs... learn from mistakes and carry on... keep moving forward. very very true.

Naveen George Thomas said...

thats what i envisioned gits,...thanks u...

Gayatri Bhadran said...

d lines.. "like d rain we must live and fall" and "raindrops taste just like tears widout d pain" caught my eye..

as usual.. a stunner.. like all yer previous works..

i bow to thee.. i wish i had half yer skill..

Naveen George Thomas said...

thanks u gayatri....

AWY said...


Anger did not play a role in this, did it?

Anonymous said...

"Like the rain we must live, and like it, we must fall"

You know I love this poem.
I do love it.